Archive for the 'Accord' Category

98 Honda Accord Replacing Axles: New vs Rebuilt

Mario’s question:

I’m getting this clacking sound when I turn a sharp corner in my 98 Accord. So I looked under the front end, and both CV joint boots are ripped. I’ve priced various replacement axles, and am amazed by the difference in price. Everything from a dealer five hundred dollar new one to fifty nine dollar axles. What do you suggest I use, new or rebuilt?


Well, new is almost always better than rebuilt, but of course the price is normally much higher. BUT, with axles these days, there are some excellent brand new axles that come from the far East that fit many makes. If you priced enough places in your sample, I would guess that one of the fifty nine dollar prices you received was one of these brand new Asian made axles. I have used hundreds of them with no problems yet. Just be sure to ask what you are being sold–new or rebuild, and if new, just ask where they were made. This is a case of things actually costing less as time marches on.

Honda Accord Ignition Switch Repair

Wilson’s question:

My old 88 Accord won’t start up and run. When I crank the engine, it starts right up, but as soon as I let go of the key, it dies. Every so often it will start and run fine, but normally it just dies.


That’s normally a classic example of a worn out ignition switch. You get power to everything when you crank the engine over in the starting position. But the switch is internally shorting out, and has now power to the ignition system or fuel system when it goes back to the running position as you let go of the key. You just need a new electrical portion of the ignition switch. All good auto parts stores can get you one for a car that old.

Honda Accord Car Battery Replacement

Question:Honda-Accord-car-battery-replacement I need to purchase a new battery for my 95 Honda Accord. What brand do you recommend?

Answer: First look at your current battery and note the capacity stated in Ah. Based on that you can go online or to your local auto parts store and select suitable car battery based on price and brand name.
