Merc c180 with the heating problem

Kay’s question:

Hi , coming back to the merc c180 with the heating problem. Upon starting the car i can see that the fan spins (fan which sits near the radiator), does that mean that the fan is working or could there still be a fault?”


Well, the problem is that the fan may not be spinning at the correct speed at the correct times. Those Mercedes use an insane computer controlled electronic clutch system to drive that fan blade (yet another example of overengineering in a German car.) And realize there should also be an auxilliary electronic motor fan on the front side that should come on when things get hot and when you use the AC system. Let the car idle a while with the AC on, and then open the hood and listen for that electric fan to kick in. If it doesn’t kick in, then get it fixed BEFORE summer heat gets here. If you find the car runs much cooler on the highway then it does in stop and go traffic, then you definitely have some type of cooling fan problem that should be taken care of.

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